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Gold crest bird


Made to Order 1-2 weeks

The goldcrest is a very small passerine bird in the kinglet family. Its colourful golden crest feathers gives rise to its English and scientific names, and possibly to it being called the “king of the birds” in European folklore.
Coniferous woodland or parks with large mature trees are the best places to see goldcrests, but they range around in flocks of other small birds during autumn and winter. They’re widespread and common across the whole of the UK. In autumn, large numbers arrive on the east coast from Scandinavia and make their way across dunes to more suitable habitat.

SKU: goldcrest1
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Availability: In Stock


Vendor: Chris Boxall

This is made using clear glass cut to the shape of the bird, i then added glass powders to match the birds colouring, its then fused in a kiln, the wing and eye is added and then fused again.

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