At the beginning of every year I get excited about making new pieces. I generally have a bit of a tidy up/ clear out and inevitably come across materials that I’ve put to one side for ‘one day’………………..

Well, one day has arrived!  These beauties were found tucked away in a nice old tin, I’d completely forgotten about them. Initially I thought they were all brass, but some are bronze: even better.

My brother in law gave them to me, he was a mechanic so I assume they’re car parts. I might be wrong, I’ll need to do some detective work as I like to be able to tell people what they were originally.

I’ve got ideas for candlesticks and sculptures and am ticking all the jobs off my list so that I can get creating. My aim is to use every single item before the year is out, but don’t hold me to it…..actually, yes you should! Please hold me to it.x

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