Ever wondered where the tradition of sending Valentine’s Day cards came from?!  Well, if you want to learn a little more about its history read on!

Whilst the tradition of sending of cards didn’t really begin until the 18th century, there are a number of legends that date the origin of Valentine’s Day all the way back to ancient Rome!  There are several tales believed to attribute the day of love to a saint who was martyred as far back as around the year 270.  Saint Valentine is believed to have been executed on February 14 after being condemned to death for secretly marrying couples, to spare the husbands from having to go to war.  According to the legend whilst he was in prison, he fell in love with his jailer’s daughter, who he miraculously cured of blindness.  Seemingly the night before his execution, he wrote her a farewell message, signing it with the words “Your Valentine”.

Other tales suggest that Valentine’s Day itself didn’t come into being until the 5th century when Pope Gelasius I wanted to create a new holiday to replace the Roman festival of Lupercalia (a pagan festival known for its distinctive fertility rituals!).  In an effort to end these types of pagan festivities, Gelasius introduced a feast day to commemorate Saint Valentine on his execution date instead. 

However many believe that it wasn’t until the 14th century and the publication of Geoffrey Chaucer’s poem the Parliament of Fowls, and the subsequent appearance of letters being exchanged between lovers, that the day really began being associated with romance and love.  Throughout the 18th century the tradition of sending Valentine’s Day messages became more common, with fancy cards being made with ribbon and lace.  By 1840 the introduction of the penny post made sending valentines cards more affordable and the tradition became even more popular, particularly as sending cards through the post made it possible for them to be sent anonymously for the first time.

By the end of the 19th century, valentines cards began being printed and mass produced, an industry which has continued to grow into the huge celebration that is has become today! So, if you’re on the lookout for the perfect card to send this year, be sure to check out my collection here

Crofts Crafts valentines cards blog

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