Potter & Clay
Potter & Clay

Potter & Clay

  • 6 Princess Royal Park, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom (UK)
  • 07946517458
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Vendor Biography

Hello there!

I’m Lottie, wife, mother of 2 young boys, ex speciality coffee shop owner turned potter, living and working in the beautiful seaside town of Scarborough.

My journey into clay began after a throwaway comment from my sister-in-law, in which she mentioned a friend of hers had bought a pottery wheel to put in her utility room. We were, at the time, painting some pots at a wonderful local spot, having had our session delayed thanks to COVID and the general craziness of life. Something hit me deep- and with that I suddenly felt determined to have a go at making some things, on a wheel, out of clay. It felt so deep and serious that it really surprised me, because I’d never considered it before- which is often an indiction to me that I need to do something about that stirring in my gut.

From being a child I’ve always loved art- be it watercolour, embroidery, textiles generally, home decor (and more recently fitting out coffee shops that I’ve owned and designing spaces). I’ve also always loved ceramics- nothing has made me happier than choosing lovely things for people to drink from in the coffee shops I’ve owned, or picking lovely plates and mugs for use at home- so why the idea of making some had never occurred to me before that night, I’ll never know. I was also in the process of applying for a full time job- and I’d got through to the final round of interviews, and I wasn’t quite sure how I’d got there, but I told myself that if I didn’t get that job, I’d buy a wheel and learn how to use it. I didn’t get the job, and I was a bit sad about it, so I went onto Amazon, and bought a basic wheel with some birthday money I had (which amazingly was enough to cover a wheel on sale) and then thanks to the power of Facebook, I found a wonderful teacher to show me the basics.

The love affair began. From the moment my wheel was set up at home, I’ve been disappearing into my old Victorian basement (a perfect pottery studio it would seem) and now my garage studio, pretty much every day to learn, to make, to decorate, to create things I love to have in my own home…in the hope that I would also be able to share them with others that like the things I make too. Clay feels like my ‘thing’, and I love the adventure we’re on.

I hope you find something that brings you joy,

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