Little Worlds of Art
Little Worlds of Art

Little Worlds of Art

  • Little Worlds, Ross-Shire, United Kingdom (UK)
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Vendor Biography

I like colour, a sprinkling of humour helps too. If a little picture can raise a smile or you find something in it to relate to or ponder upon then I’m happy. I keep to a fairly “accessible” art philosophy, my mantra = KISS.

Sometimes too there’s a bit of an undertow, a message or some subtext portrayed in the little images! I thought the home for these pictures “Little Worlds of Art” was appropriate. A small wordplay on “works of art”; never daring to presume they are even close to being so in themselves. I try to see each as a busy “little world” in itself. So you might need a magnifier or don your special glasses!

I live and create up in the North West of Scotland just above the northern 57th parallel, I used to live a bit higher, above the 58th. My inspiration is diverse, landscape, seascape, skyscape, humour, animals or people. The events that happen hereabouts are perfect fuel.

I work digitally mainly but still often start with a traditional and undoubtedly old-fashioned hairy sketch…or two.

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