
Social media can be a great way to communicate with your customers – but – it can be a little unreliable and unpredictable as to what it shows to whom? If you have a special offer, or a product launch you want to get it to as many potential customers as you can! This is where a newsletter can do the trick!  It lands you firmly in your (already interested as they signed up to your list) customer’s inbox! Write an engaging Title and subject line and you are home and dry!

There are lots of different guides to show you what to do and when/what to post but I really like this from the Design Trust as it takes you step by step through each process! Do read right through to Tip 14 as that’s the legal stuff which is really important!

In the Hub today we will discuss the different newsletter companies you can sign up to – most are free up to a certain number. Mailchimp  is popular as well as Constant Contact  I use Convertkit  as I find the analytics really useful.





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