Sell on The British Craft House

Welcome to the team!

We are showcasing the Best of British Crafts – hand-picking artisans for their originality and high quality.
As an application-based site, we will not have a plethora of shops selling similar items.
We want you to be seen and to delight shoppers with your products.

£18.00 /month

Startup Monthly

Pay Monthly – £18 inc VAT

  • 🗹 Your own customisable shop with unique url (link to your shop)
  • 🗹 Checkout system including invoicing and packing slips to print out
  • 🗹 Your own blog
  • 🗹 Royal Mail Integration Portal
  • 🗹 Up to 75 products
  • 🗹 Multiple Product variations per listing
  • 🗹 Up to 8 pictures per product
  • 🗹 Analytics section to connect to Google Analytics
  • 🗹 Free Etsy Import
  • 🗹 Private, supportive Facebook group
  • 🗹 Inclusion in off-site paid advertising (Facebook, Instagram, Google, Pinterest)
75 Products
In every 1 month
£180.00 /year

Startup Yearly

2 FREE Months by Paying Annually – £180 inc VAT/year

  • Your own customisable shop with unique url (link to your shop)
  • 🗹 Checkout system including invoicing and packing slips to print out
  • 🗹 Your own blog
  • 🗹 Royal Mail Integration Portal
  • 🗹 Up to 75 products
  • 🗹 Multiple Product variations per listing
  • 🗹 Up to 8 pictures per product
  • 🗹 Analytics section to connect to Google Analytics
  • 🗹 Free Etsy Import
  • 🗹 Private, supportive Facebook group
  • 🗹 Inclusion in off-site paid advertising (Facebook, Instagram, Google, Pinterest)
75 Products
In every 1 year
£33.00 /month

Standard Monthly

Pay Monthly – £33 inc VAT

  • 🗹 Your own customisable shop with unique url (link to your shop)
  • 🗹 Checkout system including invoicing and packing slips to print out
  • 🗹 Your own blog
  • 🗹 Royal Mail Integration Portal
  • 🗹 Up to 100 products
  • 🗹 Multiple Product variations per listing
  • 🗹 Up to 8 pictures per product
  • 🗹 Analytics section to connect to Google Analytics
  • 🗹 Free Etsy Import
  • 🗹 Private, supportive Facebook group
  • 🗹 Inclusion in off-site paid advertising (Facebook, Instagram, Google, Pinterest)
  • 🗹 Featured on Front Page of Website in Vendors you’ll love feature
  • 🗹 Social Media advertising on TBCH Social media pages (audience 150K)
  • 🗹 Live Chat On Instagram with Dottie in Meet the Maker Feature (on request)
100 Products
In every 1 month
£330.00 /year

Standard Yearly

2 FREE Months by Paying Annually – £330 inc VAT/year

  • 🗹 Your own customisable shop with unique url (link to your shop)
  • 🗹 Checkout system including invoicing and packing slips to print out
  • 🗹 Your own blog
  • 🗹 Up to 100 products
  • 🗹 Product variations
  • 🗹 Up to 8 pictures per product
  • 🗹 Analytics section to connect to Google Analytics
  • 🗹 Royal Mail Integration Portal
  • 🗹 Free Etsy Import
  • 🗹 Private, supportive Facebook group
  • 🗹 Inclusion in off-site paid advertising (Facebook, Instagram, Google, Pinterest)
  • 🗹 Inclusion in Vendor’s You’ll Love feature (Website front page)
  • 🗹 Social Media advertising on TBCH Social media pages (audience 150K)
  • 🗹 Live Chat On Instagram with Dottie in Meet the Maker Feature (on request)
  • 🗹 Press Pack for PR opportunities including Press Loft  See More
  • 🗹 Initial shop set up assistance Zoom 30 mins (on request)
  • 🗹 Newsletter Feature (15K subscribers)
100 Products
In every 1 year
£995.00 /year

Premium Yearly

2 FREE Months by Paying Annually – £995 inc VAT/year

  • Your own customisable shop with unique url
  • Checkout system including invoicing and packing slips to print out
  • Your own blog
  • Unlimited products
  • Product variations
  • Up to 8 pictures per product
  • Private Facebook group
  • Shop analytics
  • Etsy Import Facility
  • Inclusion in whole site paid advertising
  • Featured on Front Page of Website in Vendors you’ll love feature
  • Social Media advertising in a group
  • Live Chat On Instagram with Dottie in Meet the Maker Feature (1 per year)
  • Press Pack for potential PR opportunities including Press Loft (10 items in Press Loft)
  • Social media advertising to items in your shop with direct links (1 per month)
  • Front Page Featured Seller spot
  • 1-2-1 coaching – 3 sesions per year
  • Initial shop set up assistance
  • Dedicated Press Release – 1 per year
  • Mini-Pressloft up to 10 products
  • Meet the Maker Blog
  • Newsletter Feature
  • Social Media Set up Assistance
Unlimited Products
In every 1 year

Legacy 75

Pay Monthly – £12 inc VAT

  • Your own customisable shop with unique url
  • Checkout system including invoicing and packing slips to print out
  • Your own blog
  • Up to 50 products
  • Product variations
  • Up to 8 pictures per product
  • Private Facebook group
  • Shop analytics
  • Etsy Import Facility
  • Inclusion in whole site paid advertising
75 Products
31 Days

Legacy 100

Pay Monthly – £30 inc VAT

  • Your own customisable shop with unique url
  • Checkout system including invoicing and packing slips to print out
  • Your own blog
  • Up to 100 products
  • Product variations
  • Up to 8 pictures per product
  • Private Facebook group
  • Shop analytics
  • Etsy Import Facility
  • Inclusion in whole site paid advertising
  • Featured on Front Page of Website in Vendors you’ll love feature
  • Social Media advertising in a group
  • Live Chat On Instagram with Dottie in Meet the Maker Feature
  • Press Pack for potential PR opportunities including Press Loft (1 item in Press Loft)
100 Products
365 Days

**Credit card Processing/ Stripe Costs: 1.4% + 20p per transaction

Add Ons

Why sell with The British Craft House?

Free listings

Listings are included with your subscription package. There are no additional listing fees. You can change the listings over whenever you like.

Low Commission Fees

Commission on your sales is low, just 7.2% (inc VAT).  Stripe process our payments and charge 1.4% plus 20p per transaction.

Transparent Pricing

There are no hidden fees for advertising etc No bill for transactions just one monthly or annual payment on our seller plans.

Private Support Hub

You get access to be part of a vibrant private sellers group on Facebook. You can join in as much, or as little as suits you. We use it to network, to help promote shops and to learn.

Changing Subscription

You can change your subscriptions on your shop dashboard from the monthly to the annual plan or vice versa. You can also cancel your shop through your shop dashboard.

Secure Payments

Stripe process our payments and from there the funds from sales are transferred to your bank account. We do not hold onto your funds.

Responsive Support Team

Our team is small but responsive. helpful and friendly!  Any problems and we will get back to you asap, generally on the same day.

Free Etsy Import

We have a free Etsy export service. You just download for CSV from Etsy and email it over! We will do the rest!

Quick and Easy Set Up

Shop set up is easy! You can set up and get selling on the day you join!