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Retro classic Jammy Biscuit earrings STUD, DROP or CLIP ON, unique, handmade


A very cute little pair of Jammy biscuit earrings, complete with red jam heart centre!!  How can you resist!

4 in stock


Vendor: FallonR

The drop versions are fixed onto fish hook style silver plated earrings. Stud earrings are flat on the back, fixed onto silver plated earring post backs with rubber back secures.

Choose your selection using the drop down menu options

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All items are handmade in Britain by myself using polymer clay and silver plated fixings throughout (unless otherwise specified).

Commissions, customisations or variations of colours are also available – if you would like to order your own special piece, please message me!

As products are all handmade, they may differ slightly from pictured – however this is usually unnoticeable.  

Please note: None of the pieces are edible and I would recommend they are not given to children under 5 as they may not understand this. Please see THE FOOD IMITATION (SAFETY) REGULATIONS 1989 act for more information

props are for image purposes only and are not supplied

Price is for one pair of earrings

Shipping Countries: United Kingdom (UK)

Ready to ship in 3-5 business days from United Kingdom (UK)


Refund Policy

Unfortunately refunds are not offered unless the item is faulty upon receipt (with proof of photo), in which case a replacement can be sent out