My pigs in blankets Christmas decoration was a new design added this
year. I can’t believe how popular they have been and managed to run out
of the cute little star buttons I was using! So they’re officially out
of stock this year while I search for an equally sweet alternative for
them next year… perhaps with some extra blanket colours or an extra
pig design?

I am so happy to know that people loved my pigs as much as I loved making them! I wonder how many of them are wearing their blankets and how many are enjoying Christmas in the nude this year!

I’ll hopefully be able to think up some brand new quirky creature decorations ready for next year. So a massive thank you to everyone that had a look at my pigs, liked or bought one. And if you can’t wait for next year to see some adorable new designs don’t worry! My valentine’s selection will be in store in the new year so check back soon.

Have a lovely winter everyone!

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