My Story

Serendipity – finding something good/beautiful without looking for it – has played a major role in this venture.

Fascinated as I have always been with the myriad forms, shapes and colours of the natural world, it has been a delight to discover a way in which I can combine this love of nature with my love of design and artistry, to produce a unique range of jewellery.

Photography has also been a life-long passion with me and it has brought so much satisfaction to have developed a process that has allowed me to be able to transpose images on to aluminium, creating individual items that are both beautiful and easy to wear.

How Photofinish began

Although basically a very practical and logical person, I also have a very strong creative streak and this has been apparent in so many ways throughout my life. It could also be said that there is something of the “butterfly” about me, with a restlessness of spirit that provides the drive towards the next idea and challenge.

Growing up, I was always drawn to construction in one form or another; be it model making or designing and building an adventure playground in the garden for a pet rabbit. At work, my role for a number of years was to design and produce equipment to be used in conservation projects. Eventually the post became more project management based and I missed having a practical outlet for my creativity.

“The great outdoors” has always held an attraction for me: from a walk in the local park to a journey to see the spectacular wild places of the world. Any location, from the simple to the exotic, always finds me with a camera in readiness. In fact, most snaps of me – other than at my own wedding – show me with a camera, usually in the act of taking a picture.

A change in circumstances and serendipity led me to sign up for a couple of workshops as part of the Surrey Artists’ Open Studios. Jewellery was not something that I had previously considered, but I booked in for Aileen Hamilton‘s workshop where I made a silver pendant. It was, however, the aluminium jewellery on display that caught my eye and I duly returned for another course to learn the techniques needed for the dye process.

Over the next year, I developed a procedure that allows me to “print” my photographs on to recycled aluminium, so creating jewellery with a unique finish and appearance. Photofinish was born, celebrating nature at its best!

David Hitchcock

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