Three years ago, my sister gave me a beautiful hand decorated oyster shell. It was love at first sight! I looked at this simple and delicate piece of art and thought I need to know more!  

So here we are, started with making them for friends and then for friends of friends! So I wondered if this could be my retirement hobby! I found this wonderful home of craft and thought I would give it a go!

Until now, I didn’t know much about oysters…..who does?!  So here’s a very brief intro to the wonderful world of oysters!

They can live until they are 30 years old

They take 3 years to reach maturity 

An oyster has colourless blood and breathes like a fish

The best time to eat British oysters in September – April, they spawn in the summer

The biggest oyster caught so far….14” long and weighed in at 1.5kgs – a beast!

Finding a pearl is very rare but finding a pea crab isn’t.  Yuk! 

The tastiest oysters come from Whitstable in Kent but Devon, Dorest and Essex are also yummy. Chew to get the full flavour.

The dark spot on an unprocessed shell is where the live oyster was attached to its shell.

You can make jumpers from oyster shells! Yep! Very eco friendly!

So that’s it in an oyster/nut shell….sorry😀 I hope that demystifies the secret world of oysters!

Until my next blog, take care and see you soon
