Branding is important because not only is it what makes a memorable impression on consumers but it allows your customers and clients to know what to expect from your company. It is a way of distinguishing yourself from the competitors and clarifying what it is you offer that makes you the better choice.

It is made up of 4 key areas.

Your Why

Your Niche

Your Values

Your USP

What is your Why?

What is the point of your business – why did you start.

If your immediate answer to “Why does your business exist?” is “To make money,” then this a good time to dig a little deeper. There are countless ways to make money, so why did you choose the business you are currently in?

More likely than not, you felt there was an opportunity to create value in market that wants what you are selling. Profit is a side effect of capturing that value. So, what exactly is the value you’re creating?

Your WHY is what sets you apart from everyone else. It’s your purpose. It’s what inspires you to take action. Your WHY is also what inspires others to take action, spread your ideas, or buy your products

Can you sum up the brand purpose of your own business in a sentence? It’s a crucial step; this will influence how you business is represented on all of your brand touchpoints. It’ll also affect how your business lands in the mind of a potential customer.

This is a good watch!

What is your Niche?

Who is your audience? Too general is not helpful.

How do you find your niche market?

  1. Reflect on your passions and interests.
  2. Identify customers’ problems and needs.
  3. Research the competition.
  4. Define your niche and its profitability.
  5. Test your product or service.


What do you stand for?

Your customers care about what your brand values are. What do you care about. How can you weave this into your brand.

Brand values are simply a set of guiding principles that are true to you and your business. They affect how you behave and what actions and choices you take. To avoid clichés, try and think beyond generic values that you may have seen before: trustworthy, reliable, friendly. Is there a more specific way to describe exactly what you stand for?

Thoughtfulness is an unusual value for a plumber, for example, but it could be a brilliant differentiator. Discovery by comparison is useful here. Look at your competitors and see where your values might differ or be similar.


What makes you unique – make a list of why people should buy from you and not from a competitor.

If you aren’t sure then this is a good article!

A brand positioning is the special place a business occupies someone’s mind. Imagine an astronaut planting a flag with your logo on it onto your customer’s brain. You have managed to cut through the clutter and get a tiny piece of real estate in the thoughts and opinions of someone.

It’s not easy to establish a clear brand positioning, but if you can define your core brand elements, you’ll have a strong foundation in place for your business.

Also worth considering

Create a Brand Guide

Includes your Logo

Colours for your branding – brand recognition etc.

This video will help!

Build your personal brand online  – book a slot on a Branding Workshop with BT Skills for tomorrow on January 11th.

If you learn better by watch is video then here is a good one!

In case you are interested! This is the point that the TBCH Branding started from!

In the Facebook Hub today we will have a post for Bootcamp Day 1 where you can discuss your branding with other sellers.

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