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British wool All-in-one handbag


Elegant, stylish, eye-catching handbag.

1 in stock

Availability: 1 in stock

Karen Stewart

Vendor: Karen Stewart
31 Main Street
Melton Mowbray
LE14 4QW

This unique wool handbag has been created using the ancient art of wet felting, with a mix of Cambrian and Bluefaced Leicester wool.  Both wools are from British mountain sheep and are ideally suited to bagmaking as the wool is medium/coarse and hardewearing.  The bag has an integrated handle, making it easy to just pick up and go, and an inside pocket.  This bag coordinates beautifully with my British Wool Wrap.

Size:  33cm wide x 32cm high.

Wet felting involves laying out wisps of wool in different directions, sprinkling them with warm soapy water and then gently rubbing and rolling them (often for several hours!) until all the fibres have completely bonded together. During the process, other fibres and materials can be incorporated, such as silk threads and fabrics to decorate the surface of the felt. Scarves are made in one flat piece, but neck warmers, vessels, hats and bags are made by felting around a resist (or waterproof template) that is then removed part way through the felting process, and gently moulded by hand into the shape you want. This is often called seamless felting or 3D.

Did you know, wool is naturally:

– shower proof, (water sits on the outer layer and can be shaken off),

– stain resistant (dirt sits on the surface layer and can be easily sponged off),

– hardwearing (it does not crush or crease)

– sustainable (wool is a naturally occurring product)

– and when felted thoroughly, wool items become very strong and cannot be pulled apart.

Shipping Countries: United Kingdom (UK)